
您所在的位置:网站首页 微服务 链路追踪 微服务调用链路追踪


2024-07-13 00:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







Zipkin 服务端

Zipkin 客户端



1. 安装RabbitMQ

2. 启动zipkin服务端,配置从rabbit中拉取消息





本文的操作是在 服务网关实践 的基础上进行。





spring cloud2021.0.8

spring boot2.7.12


步骤   sleuth








//@Component public class LoginFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {


- id: order-service uri: lb://service-order predicates: - Path=/order-service/** filters: - RewritePath=/order-service/(?.*), /$\{segment}



http://localhost:8080/product-service/product/1 响应 {"id":1,"productName":"访问的服务地址:","status":1,"price":3000.00,"productDesc":"abc","caption":"haha","inventory":100}

http://localhost:8080/order-service/order/buy/1 响应 {"id":1,"productName":"访问的服务地址:","status":1,"price":3000.00,"productDesc":"abc","caption":"haha","inventory":100}


接下来要记录 网关、订单和商品的日志,在需要记录日志的服务中添加sleuth依赖,并配置日志级别


org.springframework.cloud spring-cloud-starter-sleuth


logging: level: root: info org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet: DEBUG org.springframework.cloud.sleuth: DEBUG





2023-09-19 11:31:38.286 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-8] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Received a request to uri [/order-service/order/buy/1] 2023-09-19 11:31:38.287 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-8] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Handled receive of span RealSpan(b509a00af729a159/b509a00af729a159) 2023-09-19 11:31:38.290 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-8] ientBeanPostProcessor$TracingDoOnRequest : Handled send of the netty client span [RealSpan(b509a00af729a159/33785169a50ab934)] with parent [b509a00af729a159/b509a00af729a159] 2023-09-19 11:31:38.304 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-8] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Handled send of RealSpan(b509a00af729a159/b509a00af729a159) 2023-09-19 11:31:38.304 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-8] PostProcessor$AbstractTracingDoOnHandler : Handle receive of the netty client span [RealSpan(b509a00af729a159/33785169a50ab934)] 2023-09-19 11:31:39.307 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Received a request to uri [/registry/machine] 2023-09-19 11:31:39.307 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,,] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Handled receive of span RealSpan(295a9df15244c974/295a9df15244c974) 2023-09-19 11:31:39.309 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,295a9df15244c974,295a9df15244c974] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Adding a class tag with value [ResourceWebHandler] to a span RealSpan(295a9df15244c974/295a9df15244c974) 2023-09-19 11:31:39.309 DEBUG [api-gateway-server,295a9df15244c974,295a9df15244c974] 11388 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] o.s.c.s.instrument.web.TraceWebFilter : Handled send of RealSpan(295a9df15244c974/295a9df15244c974)



2023-09-19 11:31:38.291 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [nio-9002-exec-3] o.s.c.s.i.web.tomcat.TraceValve : Created a server receive span [RealSpan(b509a00af729a159/33785169a50ab934)] 2023-09-19 11:31:38.291 DEBUG [service-order,b509a00af729a159,33785169a50ab934] 12160 --- [nio-9002-exec-3] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : GET "/order/buy/1", parameters={} 2023-09-19 11:31:38.294 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [derController-4] RetryableFeignBlockingLoadBalancerClient : Before send 2023-09-19 11:31:38.295 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [derController-4] o.s.c.s.i.w.c.f.LazyTracingFeignClient : Sending a request via tracing feign client [org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.instrument.web.client.feign.TracingFeignClient@7f92dc34] and the delegate [feign.Client$Default@547ecdf2] 2023-09-19 11:31:38.295 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [derController-4] o.s.c.s.i.w.c.feign.TracingFeignClient : Handled send of NoopSpan(52272d7b4d72b7ed/52272d7b4d72b7ed) 2023-09-19 11:31:38.301 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [derController-4] o.s.c.s.i.w.c.feign.TracingFeignClient : Handled receive of NoopSpan(52272d7b4d72b7ed/52272d7b4d72b7ed) 2023-09-19 11:31:38.301 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [derController-4] RetryableFeignBlockingLoadBalancerClient : After receive 2023-09-19 11:31:38.303 DEBUG [service-order,b509a00af729a159,33785169a50ab934] 12160 --- [nio-9002-exec-3] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed 200 OK 2023-09-19 11:31:38.303 DEBUG [service-order,,] 12160 --- [nio-9002-exec-3] o.s.c.s.i.web.tomcat.TraceValve : Handled send of span [RealSpan(b509a00af729a159/33785169a50ab934)]


2023-09-19 11:31:38.296 DEBUG [service-product,,] 11896 --- [nio-9001-exec-6] o.s.c.s.i.web.tomcat.TraceValve : Created a server receive span [NoopSpan(52272d7b4d72b7ed/52272d7b4d72b7ed)] 2023-09-19 11:31:38.296 DEBUG [service-product,52272d7b4d72b7ed,52272d7b4d72b7ed] 11896 --- [nio-9001-exec-6] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : GET "/product/1", parameters={} Hibernate: select product0_.id as id1_0_0_, product0_.caption as caption2_0_0_, product0_.inventory as inventor3_0_0_, product0_.price as price4_0_0_, product0_.product_desc as product_5_0_0_, product0_.product_name as product_6_0_0_, product0_.status as status7_0_0_ from tb_product product0_ where product0_.id=? 2023-09-19 11:31:38.301 DEBUG [service-product,52272d7b4d72b7ed,52272d7b4d72b7ed] 11896 --- [nio-9001-exec-6] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed 200 OK 2023-09-19 11:31:38.301 DEBUG [service-product,,] 11896 --- [nio-9001-exec-6] o.s.c.s.i.web.tomcat.TraceValve : Handled send of span [NoopSpan(52272d7b4d72b7ed/52272d7b4d72b7ed)]







Architecture · OpenZipkin

┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐ │ User Code │ │ Trace Instrumentation │ │ Http Client │ │ Zipkin Collector │ └─────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘ └─────────────┘ └──────────────────┘ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────┐ │ ──┤GET /foo ├─▶ │ ────┐ │ │ └─────────┘ │ record tags │ │ ◀───┘ │ │ ────┐ │ │ │ add trace headers │ │ ◀───┘ │ │ ────┐ │ │ │ record timestamp │ │ ◀───┘ │ │ ┌─────────────────┐ │ │ ──┤GET /foo ├─▶ │ │ │X-B3-TraceId: aa │ ────┐ │ │ │X-B3-SpanId: 6b │ │ │ │ └─────────────────┘ │ invoke │ │ │ │ request │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌────────┐ ◀───┘ │ │ ◀─────┤200 OK ├─────── │ │ ────┐ └────────┘ │ │ │ record duration │ │ ┌────────┐ ◀───┘ │ ◀──┤200 OK ├── │ │ │ └────────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ ──┤ asynchronously report span ├────▶ │ │ │ │{ │ │ "traceId": "aa", │ │ "id": "6b", │ │ "name": "get", │ │ "timestamp": 1483945573944000,│ │ "duration": 386000, │ │ "annotations": [ │ │--snip-- │ └────────────────────────────────┘

Zipkin 分为两端:

Zipkin 服务端Zipkin 客户端,客户端就是各个微服务。

客户端会配置服务端的 URL 地址,一旦发生服务间的调用的时候,会被配置在微服务里面的 Sleuth 的监听器监听,并生成相应的 Trace 和 Span 信息发送给服务端。


 HTTP 报文的方式消息总线的方式,如:RabbitMQ。


一个 Eureka 服务注册中心

一个 Zipkin 服务端。

多个微服务,微服务中配置Zipkin 客户端。

Zipkin 服务端

下载zipkin server

Quickstart · OpenZipkin

官网下载最新版本zipkin jar包后,cmd进入zipkin所在目录,使用java -jar命令执行

java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.3-exec.jar

D:\soft\zipkin>java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.3-exec.jar Unable to get Charset 'cp65001' for property 'sun.stdout.encoding', using default GBK and continuing. oo oooo oooooo oooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo oooooo o o oooooo oooooo oo oo oooooo ooooooo oooo oooo ooooooo oooooo ooooo ooooo ooooooo oooooo oooooo oooooo ooooooo oooooooo oo oo oooooooo ooooooooooooo oo oo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooo oooo ________ ____ _ _____ _ _ |__ /_ _| _ \| |/ /_ _| \ | | / / | || |_) | ' / | || \| | / /_ | || __/| . \ | || |\ | |____|___|_| |_|\_\___|_| \_| :: version 2.24.3 :: commit 92554eb :: 2023-09-19 10:29:41.232 INFO [/] 4112 --- [oss-http-*:9411] c.l.a.s.Server : Serving HTTP at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9411 -



Zipkin 客户端



org.springframework.cloud spring-cloud-starter-zipkin 2.2.8.RELEASE


spring: zipkin: base-url: #zipkin server地址 sender: type: web #数据的传输方式,以http的方式向server端发送数据 sleuth: sampler: probability: 1 #采样比,日志的采样比例,默认0.1,测试环境设置为100%收集日志




http://localhost:8080/order-service/order/buy/1 响应 {"id":1,"productName":"访问的服务地址:","status":1,"price":3000.00,"productDesc":"abc","caption":"haha","inventory":100}

查看zipkin web页面,点击RUN QUERY查询






保存在内存中,不能够持久化(重启zipkin server,调用链路数据丢失)



为了重启zipkin server调用链路数据不丢失,可以使用mysql将调用链路数据持久化。


create database zipkin;


-- -- Copyright 2015-2019 The OpenZipkin Authors -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except -- in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License -- is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express -- or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under -- the License. -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_spans ( `trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit', `trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `remote_service_name` VARCHAR(255), `parent_id` BIGINT, `debug` BIT(1), `start_ts` BIGINT COMMENT 'Span.timestamp(): epoch micros used for endTs query and to implement TTL', `duration` BIGINT COMMENT 'Span.duration(): micros used for minDuration and maxDuration query', PRIMARY KEY (`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT 'for getTracesByIds'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getSpanNames'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`remote_service_name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getRemoteServiceNames'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`start_ts`) COMMENT 'for getTraces ordering and range'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_annotations ( `trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit', `trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'coincides with zipkin_spans.trace_id', `span_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'coincides with zipkin_spans.id', `a_key` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.key or Annotation.value if type == -1', `a_value` BLOB COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.value(), which must be smaller than 64KB', `a_type` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.type() or -1 if Annotation', `a_timestamp` BIGINT COMMENT 'Used to implement TTL; Annotation.timestamp or zipkin_spans.timestamp', `endpoint_ipv4` INT COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null', `endpoint_ipv6` BINARY(16) COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null, or no IPv6 address', `endpoint_port` SMALLINT COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null', `endpoint_service_name` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null' ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD UNIQUE KEY(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`, `a_timestamp`) COMMENT 'Ignore insert on duplicate'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`) COMMENT 'for joining with zipkin_spans'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT 'for getTraces/ByIds'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`endpoint_service_name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getServiceNames'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_type`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and autocomplete values'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_key`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and autocomplete values'; ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`) COMMENT 'for dependencies job'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_dependencies ( `day` DATE NOT NULL, `parent` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `child` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `call_count` BIGINT, `error_count` BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (`day`, `parent`, `child`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;




zipkin: self-tracing: # Set to true to enable self-tracing. enabled: ${SELF_TRACING_ENABLED:false} # percentage of self-traces to retain. If set to a value other than 1.0, traces-per-second will # not be used. sample-rate: ${SELF_TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE:1.0} # Number of traces per second to retain. sample-rate must be set to 1.0 to use this value. If # set to 0, an unlimited number of traces per second will be retained. traces-per-second: ${SELF_TRACING_TRACES_PER_SECOND:1} # Timeout in seconds to flush self-tracing data to storage. message-timeout: ${SELF_TRACING_FLUSH_INTERVAL:1} collector: # percentage to traces to retain sample-rate: ${COLLECTOR_SAMPLE_RATE:1.0} activemq: enabled: ${COLLECTOR_ACTIVEMQ_ENABLED:true} # ActiveMQ broker url. Ex. tcp://localhost:61616 or failover:(tcp://localhost:61616,tcp://remotehost:61616) url: ${ACTIVEMQ_URL:} # Queue from which to collect span messages. queue: ${ACTIVEMQ_QUEUE:zipkin} # Number of concurrent span consumers. concurrency: ${ACTIVEMQ_CONCURRENCY:1} # Optional username to connect to the broker username: ${ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME:} # Optional password to connect to the broker password: ${ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD:} http: # Set to false to disable creation of spans via HTTP collector API enabled: ${COLLECTOR_HTTP_ENABLED:${HTTP_COLLECTOR_ENABLED:true}} grpc: # Set to true to enable the GRPC collector enabled: ${COLLECTOR_GRPC_ENABLED:false} kafka: enabled: ${COLLECTOR_KAFKA_ENABLED:true} # Kafka bootstrap broker list, comma-separated host:port values. Setting this activates the # Kafka 0.10+ collector. bootstrap-servers: ${KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS:} # Name of topic to poll for spans topic: ${KAFKA_TOPIC:zipkin} # Consumer group this process is consuming on behalf of. group-id: ${KAFKA_GROUP_ID:zipkin} # Count of consumer threads consuming the topic streams: ${KAFKA_STREAMS:1} rabbitmq: enabled: ${COLLECTOR_RABBITMQ_ENABLED:true} # RabbitMQ server address list (comma-separated list of host:port) addresses: ${RABBIT_ADDRESSES:} concurrency: ${RABBIT_CONCURRENCY:1} # TCP connection timeout in milliseconds connection-timeout: ${RABBIT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT:60000} password: ${RABBIT_PASSWORD:guest} queue: ${RABBIT_QUEUE:zipkin} username: ${RABBIT_USER:guest} virtual-host: ${RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST:/} useSsl: ${RABBIT_USE_SSL:false} uri: ${RABBIT_URI:} scribe: enabled: ${COLLECTOR_SCRIBE_ENABLED:${SCRIBE_ENABLED:false}} category: ${SCRIBE_CATEGORY:zipkin} port: ${COLLECTOR_PORT:9410} query: enabled: ${QUERY_ENABLED:true} # Timeout for requests to the query API timeout: ${QUERY_TIMEOUT:11s} # 1 day in millis lookback: ${QUERY_LOOKBACK:86400000} # The Cache-Control max-age (seconds) for /api/v2/services, /api/v2/remoteServices and /api/v2/spans names-max-age: 300 # CORS allowed-origins. allowed-origins: "*" # Internal properties that end users should never try to use internal: actuator: enabled: true # auto-configuration to include when ArmeriaSpringActuatorAutoConfiguration is present. # Note: These are still subject to endpoint conditions. The list must be checked for drift # upgrading Spring Boot. include: - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.beans.BeansEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionsReportEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.context.properties.ConfigurationPropertiesReportEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.EndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.env.EnvironmentEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.management.HeapDumpWebEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.logging.LoggersEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.management.ThreadDumpEndpointAutoConfiguration storage: strict-trace-id: ${STRICT_TRACE_ID:true} search-enabled: ${SEARCH_ENABLED:true} autocomplete-keys: ${AUTOCOMPLETE_KEYS:} autocomplete-ttl: ${AUTOCOMPLETE_TTL:3600000} autocomplete-cardinality: 20000 type: ${STORAGE_TYPE:mem} throttle: enabled: ${STORAGE_THROTTLE_ENABLED:false} min-concurrency: ${STORAGE_THROTTLE_MIN_CONCURRENCY:10} max-concurrency: ${STORAGE_THROTTLE_MAX_CONCURRENCY:200} max-queue-size: ${STORAGE_THROTTLE_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE:1000} mem: # Maximum number of spans to keep in memory. When exceeded, oldest traces (and their spans) will be purged. max-spans: ${MEM_MAX_SPANS:500000} cassandra: # Comma separated list of host addresses part of Cassandra cluster. Ports default to 9042 but you can also specify a custom port with 'host:port'. contact-points: ${CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS:localhost} # Name of the datacenter that will be considered "local" for load balancing. local-dc: ${CASSANDRA_LOCAL_DC:datacenter1} # Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. username: ${CASSANDRA_USERNAME:} password: ${CASSANDRA_PASSWORD:} keyspace: ${CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE:zipkin} # Max pooled connections per datacenter-local host. max-connections: ${CASSANDRA_MAX_CONNECTIONS:8} # Ensuring that schema exists, if enabled tries to execute script /zipkin-cassandra-core/resources/cassandra-schema.cql. ensure-schema: ${CASSANDRA_ENSURE_SCHEMA:true} # 7 days in seconds span-ttl: ${CASSANDRA_SPAN_TTL:604800} # 3 days in seconds index-ttl: ${CASSANDRA_INDEX_TTL:259200} # the maximum trace index metadata entries to cache index-cache-max: ${CASSANDRA_INDEX_CACHE_MAX:100000} # how long to cache index metadata about a trace. 1 minute in seconds index-cache-ttl: ${CASSANDRA_INDEX_CACHE_TTL:60} # how many more index rows to fetch than the user-supplied query limit index-fetch-multiplier: ${CASSANDRA_INDEX_FETCH_MULTIPLIER:3} # Using ssl for connection, rely on Keystore use-ssl: ${CASSANDRA_USE_SSL:false} cassandra3: # Comma separated list of host addresses part of Cassandra cluster. Ports default to 9042 but you can also specify a custom port with 'host:port'. contact-points: ${CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS:localhost} # Name of the datacenter that will be considered "local" for load balancing. local-dc: ${CASSANDRA_LOCAL_DC:datacenter1} # Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. username: ${CASSANDRA_USERNAME:} password: ${CASSANDRA_PASSWORD:} keyspace: ${CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE:zipkin2} # Max pooled connections per datacenter-local host. max-connections: ${CASSANDRA_MAX_CONNECTIONS:8} # Ensuring that schema exists, if enabled tries to execute script /zipkin2-schema.cql ensure-schema: ${CASSANDRA_ENSURE_SCHEMA:true} # how many more index rows to fetch than the user-supplied query limit index-fetch-multiplier: ${CASSANDRA_INDEX_FETCH_MULTIPLIER:3} # Using ssl for connection, rely on Keystore use-ssl: ${CASSANDRA_USE_SSL:false} elasticsearch: # host is left unset intentionally, to defer the decision hosts: ${ES_HOSTS:} pipeline: ${ES_PIPELINE:} timeout: ${ES_TIMEOUT:10000} index: ${ES_INDEX:zipkin} ensure-templates: ${ES_ENSURE_TEMPLATES:true} date-separator: ${ES_DATE_SEPARATOR:-} index-shards: ${ES_INDEX_SHARDS:5} index-replicas: ${ES_INDEX_REPLICAS:1} username: ${ES_USERNAME:} password: ${ES_PASSWORD:} credentials-file: ${ES_CREDENTIALS_FILE:} credentials-refresh-interval: ${ES_CREDENTIALS_REFRESH_INTERVAL:5} http-logging: ${ES_HTTP_LOGGING:} ssl: no-verify: ${ES_SSL_NO_VERIFY:false} health-check: enabled: ${ES_HEALTH_CHECK_ENABLED:true} interval: ${ES_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL:3s} template-priority: ${ES_TEMPLATE_PRIORITY:} mysql: jdbc-url: ${MYSQL_JDBC_URL:} host: ${MYSQL_HOST:localhost} port: ${MYSQL_TCP_PORT:3306} username: ${MYSQL_USER:} password: ${MYSQL_PASS:} db: ${MYSQL_DB:zipkin} max-active: ${MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS:10} use-ssl: ${MYSQL_USE_SSL:false} ui: enabled: ${QUERY_ENABLED:true} ## Values below here are mapped to ZipkinUiProperties, served as /config.json # Default limit for Find Traces query-limit: 10 # The value here becomes a label in the top-right corner environment: # Default duration to look back when finding traces. # Affects the "Start time" element in the UI. 15 minutes in millis default-lookback: 900000 # When false, disables the "Discover" screen search-enabled: ${SEARCH_ENABLED:true} # Which sites this Zipkin UI covers. Regex syntax. (e.g. http:\/\/example.com\/.*) # Multiple sites can be specified, e.g. # - .*example1.com # - .*example2.com # Default is "match all websites" instrumented: .* # URL placed into the tag in the HTML base-path: /zipkin # We are using Armeria instead of Tomcat. Have it inherit the default configuration from Spring spring.main.web-application-type: none # These defaults are not used directly. They are used via armeria namespacing server: port: ${QUERY_PORT:9411} use-forward-headers: true compression: enabled: true # compresses any response over min-response-size (default is 2KiB) # Includes dynamic json content and large static assets from zipkin-ui mime-types: application/json,application/javascript,text/css,image/svg min-response-size: 2048 armeria: ports: - port: ${server.port} protocols: - http compression: enabled: ${server.compression.enabled} mime-types: ${server.compression.mime-types} min-response-size: ${server.compression.min-response-size} gracefulShutdownQuietPeriodMillis: -1 gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis: -1 spring: jmx: # reduce startup time by excluding unexposed JMX service enabled: false mvc: favicon: # zipkin has its own favicon enabled: false autoconfigure: # NOTE: These exclusions can drift between Spring Boot minor versions. Audit accordingly. # Ex. curl -s localhost:9411/actuator/beans|jq '.contexts.application.beans|keys_unsorted[]'|sort exclude: # JMX is disabled - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.jmx.JmxEndpointAutoConfiguration # /health and /actuator/health served directly by Armeria - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.health.HealthEndpointAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.health.HealthContributorAutoConfiguration # /info and /actuator/info served directly by Armeria (content is /info.json) - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.info.ProjectInfoAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.info.InfoContributorAutoConfiguration # /prometheus and /actuator/prometheus are served directly by Armeria - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusMetricsExportAutoConfiguration # Remove unused auto-configuration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.cassandra.CassandraAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jackson.JacksonAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jooq.JooqAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jms.activemq.ActiveMQAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.task.TaskExecutionAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.task.TaskSchedulingAutoConfiguration logging: pattern: level: "%clr{%5p} %clr{[%X{traceId}/%X{spanId}]}{yellow}" level: # Hush MySQL related logs org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor: 'WARN' com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource: 'WARN' # Don't print driver version in console output com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.DefaultMavenCoordinates: 'WARN' # We exclude Geo codec and Graph extensions to keep size down com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.context.InternalDriverContext: 'WARN' # Use of native clocks in Cassandra is not insightful com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.time.Clock: 'WARN' # Unless it's serious we don't want to know com.linecorp.armeria: 'WARN' # # But allow to say it's ready to serve requests com.linecorp.armeria.server.Server: 'INFO' # kafka is quite chatty so we switch everything off by default org.apache.kafka: 'OFF' # # investigate /api/v2/dependencies # zipkin2.internal.DependencyLinker: 'DEBUG' # # log reason behind http collector dropped messages # zipkin2.server.ZipkinHttpCollector: 'DEBUG' # zipkin2.collector.kafka.KafkaCollector: 'DEBUG' # zipkin2.collector.rabbitmq.RabbitMQCollector: 'DEBUG' # zipkin2.collector.scribe.ScribeCollector: 'DEBUG' management: endpoints: web: exposure: include: '*' # Below are served directly without actuator. endpoint: health: enabled: false prometheus: enabled: false info: enabled: false # Disabling auto time http requests since it is added in ZipkinPrometheusMetricsConfiguration # In Zipkin we use different naming for the http requests duration metrics: web: server: auto-time-requests: false


java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.3-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=mysql --MYSQL_HOST= --MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 --MYSQL_USER=root --MYSQL_PASS=123 --MYSQL_DB=zipkin






响应 {"id":1,"productName":"访问的服务地址:","status":1,"price":3000.00,"productDesc":"abc","caption":"haha","inventory":100}












1. 安装RabbitMQ


2. 启动zipkin服务端,配置从rabbit中拉取消息 java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.3-exec.jar --RABBIT_ADDRESSES=




org.springframework.amqp spring-rabbit

分别修改gateway、product、order服务的配置文件application.yml,修改zipkin的sender type为rabbit,添加rabbitmq配置

spring: base-url: zipkin: sender: type: rabbit #数据的传输方式,以rabbit的方式向server端发送数据 sleuth: sampler: probability: 1 #采样比,日志的采样比例,默认0.1,测试环境设置为100%收集日志 rabbitmq: host: localhost port: 5672 username: guest password: guest listener: #这里配置重试策略 direct: retry: enabled: true simple: retry: enabled: true



http://localhost:8080/order-service/order/buy/1 http://localhost:8080/product-service/product/1

浏览器刷新rabbitmq web页面http://localhost:15672/,看到了消息队列里有name为zipkin的消息


java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.3-exec.jar --RABBIT_ADDRESSES=



完成!enjoy it!




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